A Note from ML on the Federal Vaccine Mandate
6:30PM 09/10/2021

It’s inevitable that our country is moving towards broad vaccine mandates. The Biden administration's new rule puts every American company with 100 or more employees in the same boat: all must start getting tougher on vaccine mandates. If you want to do business in America, you have to help stop Covid from spreading.
Whether or not we all agree, we are all desperately trying to get back to business as usual, and the vast majority of you believe that vaccines are the best way to accomplish that. It’s also true that many of you would prefer we reach the requirements without a mandate, myself included.
One of the most difficult problems we’ve faced during this pandemic has been the ever-changing and sometimes conflicting directives from local, state, and federal agencies. Now we have clarity.
And as continue to be thoughtful in listening and learning from you all we will in-time assess what our going-forward policy is on mandates. However, whether by choice or not, mandates are coming and we will not be exempt. Nor will any other company or industry.
I realize full well that partisan politics have replaced a unified, let’s-all-pull-together effort. But as a company that stands for UNITY, nothing would make our leadership more proud than pulling-together and all getting vaccinated prior a mandate. It would speak volumes in our ability to rise to the occasion, band together, and fight this infectious disease as a f&mily.